Best Sellers 2024

Es ist immer wieder schön zu sehen, wie viel Freude euch unsere Armbänder machen. Hier findet ihr eine Übersicht unser meistverkauften Designs.
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Brazilian Moonrise - Coccinea - Passiflora Banded for Apple watch by Banded Bracelets 2021
Brazilian Moonrise - Coccinea - Passiflora Banded for Apple watch by Banded Bracelets 2021
Passiflora - Brazilian Moonrise - Banded™ Smart Watch
64.90 € 69.90 €
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Calaveras - Marigold Ofrenda - Banded™️ for Smart Watch
64.90 € 69.90 €
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Metropolis - Babylon - Banded™ Smart Watch - Metallic Finish by Banded Bracelets ©️2022
Metropolis - Babylon - Banded™ - Metallic Finish by Banded Bracelets ©️2022
Metropolis - Babylon - Banded™ Smart Watch - Metallic
64.90 € 69.90 €
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AZULEJO - Madeira - Banded for Smart Watch
64.90 € 69.90 €
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Squiggle Flower Pop- Blues Apple watch banded Berlin
Squiggle Flower Pop- Blues Apple watch banded Berlin
Squiggle Flower Pop - Blues Banded™ Smart Watch
64.90 € 69.90 €
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Light Sapphire Simplicities - Banded for Apple watch -  Metallic Finish  by Banded Bracelets 2021
Light Sapphire Simplicities - Banded for Apple watch - Metallic Finish by Banded Bracelets 2021
Simplicities - Light Sapphire Banded™ Smart Watch
64.90 € 69.90 €
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Mandalas Métallique - Silver Bell Shanty - Banded™️ for Smartwatch  Banded's Metallic take on our Best selling Mandala styles from our Air Banded collection that we sell onboard Lufthansa & Swiss airlines.
Mandalas Métallique - Silver Bell Shanty - Banded™️ for Smartwatch  Banded's Metallic take on our Best selling Mandala styles from our Air Banded collection that we sell onboard Lufthansa & Swiss airlines.
Mandalas Métallique - Silver Bell Shanty - Banded™️ for Smartwatch
64.90 € 69.90 €